John Avanzini Ministry

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The Wealth Of The World

The Wealth of the World

I am convinced that God has shown me a world-changing revelation directly from His Word. In this book, I will document… from the Word of God, a clear prophecy that shows there will soon be a dramatic transfer of the world’s wealth, literally ripping the world’s wealth from the control of the wicked and placing it into the hands of God’s informed people everywhere.

Keys To An Open Heaven

Keys to an Open Heaven

According to the Bible, God is Jehovah Jireh and is ready and able to prosper and abundantly bless you beyond all you can imagine or think. He is not Jehovah Needy, standing with his hand out trying to get all you have for his own selfish needs. The primary purpose of this book is to provide some key requirements for keeping heaven open over your life.

Financial Breakthrough

Financial Breakthrough

“But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee [that means you] power to get wealth ….” Deuteronomy 8:18. You see, financing the end-time harvest is up to us as born-again Christians. The only way to smash and destroy the wall of containment around your finances is through a violent, highly energetic act on your part.

All Preachers Want Is Your Money

All Preachers Want is your Money

Remember, the key that unlocked God’s miracle increase for the widow at Zarephath… “… she went and did according to the saying of Elijah….” 1 Kings 17:15. Remember, the primary purpose in the heart of every true minister of the gospel is to help you experience all that God has promised.

Money Talks

Money Talks

Money Talks. It Will Tell on You. “…Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21) Notice our Lord doesn’t say where your heart is, your treasure will be. He says where your treasure is, your heart will be. In other words, your heart (or your interest) will follow your treasure. 

Stolen Property Returned

Stolen Property Returned

The Law of Retribution – it is God’s instructions on how to handle those who steal from you or cause you loss. The real motivation behind every robbery comes from the spirit world. I hope you are ready, for you are about to lay hold on some hot information! This information will put the devil to flight and cause you to easily reclaim everything he has ever stolen from you.

What Hundredfold Means

What Hundredfold Means

We find “hundredfold” in Scripture: Isaac is sowing seed at God’s command. He is sowing in the midst of hostile Philistines and a raging famine (Genesis 26). It’s associated with King David’s rebellious numbering of the people of Israel. In the New Testament, Jesus is the only one who uses the word hundredfold: when Jesus describes the good ground in the parable of the sower.

What Jesus Taught About Manifesting Abundance

What Jesus Taught About Manifesting Abundance

Imagine getting back thirty dollars for giving a dollar, six thousand dollars for giving a hundred, a hundred thousand dollars or more for giving a thousand. This rate of return sounds impossible to most folks. Does it sound impossible to you? Well, it didn’t seem the least bit impossible to Jesus.

Rich God, Poor God

Rich God, Poor God

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God's Debt-Free Guarantee

God's Debt-Free Guarantee

Few people realize how big the reward David received for killing Goliath really was. The Word of God tells us that besides winning two other valuable prizes, the king cancelled every single debt David’s father owed or ever would owe. The entire family of the giant-slayer would live the rest of their lives totally free from the bondage of debt.

Always Abounding

Always Abounding

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Things That Are Better Than Money

Things That Are Better Than Money

The Bible is, without a doubt, the most complete book in existence, and deals primarily with practical things. The reason it has much to say about money is that financial matters are practical matters, though nowhere does Scripture ever say that money is the most important thing. 

Birds, Roots, Weeds, and the Good Ground

Birds, Roots, Weeds, and the Good Ground

Given the proper environment, as opposed to a hostile environment, one plant will thrive while another will wither. The Parable of the Sower—the story that Jesus told in the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Mark, is an illustration of the effect spiritual environment has on a “good seed’s” growth and fruitfulness.

Powerful Principles of Increase

Powerful Principles of Increase

Each morning, read one of the lessons in this book. If you can, read the lesson once or twice again. Meditate on it through the course of your day. Speak each concept out loud as often as you can. Don’t go to bed at night without once again reading that same lesson. If you will dedicate yourself to this task, the Word of God will begin to live in you.

Financial Excellence

Financial Excellence

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The Victory

The Victory

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The Wealth of the World

I am convinced that God has shown me a world-changing revelation directly from His Word. In this book, I will document… from the Word of God, a clear prophecy that shows there will soon be a dramatic transfer of the world’s wealth, literally ripping the world’s wealth from the control of the wicked and placing it into the hands of God’s informed people everywhere.

Keys to an Open Heaven

According to the Bible, God is Jehovah Jireh and is ready and able to prosper and abundantly bless you beyond all you can imagine or think. He is not Jehovah Needy, standing with his hand out trying to get all you have for his own selfish needs. The primary purpose of this book is to provide some key requirements for keeping heaven open over your life.

God's Debt-Free Guarantee

Few people realize how big the reward David received for killing Goliath really was. The Word of God tells us that besides winning two other valuable prizes, the king cancelled every single debt David’s father owed or ever would owe. The entire family of the giant-slayer would live the rest of their lives totally free from the bondage of debt.

All Preachers Want is your Money

Remember, the key that unlocked God’s miracle increase for the widow at Zarephath… “… she went and did according to the saying of Elijah….” 1 Kings 17:15. Remember, the primary purpose in the heart of every true minister of the gospel is to help you experience all that God has promised.

Money Talks

Money Talks. It Will Tell on You. “…Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21) Notice our Lord doesn’t say where your heart is, your treasure will be. He says where your treasure is, your heart will be. In other words, your heart (or your interest) will follow your treasure. 

Stolen Property Returned

The Law of Retribution – it is God’s instructions on how to handle those who steal from you or cause you loss. The real motivation behind every robbery comes from the spirit world. I hope you are ready, for you are about to lay hold on some hot information! This information will put the devil to flight and cause you to easily reclaim everything he has ever stolen from you.

What Hundredfold Means

We find “hundredfold” in Scripture: Isaac is sowing seed at God’s command. He is sowing in the midst of hostile Philistines and a raging famine (Genesis 26). It’s associated with King David’s rebellious numbering of the people of Israel. In the New Testament, Jesus is the only one who uses the word hundredfold: when Jesus describes the good ground in the parable of the sower.

What Jesus Taught About Manifesting Abundance

Imagine getting back thirty dollars for giving a dollar, six thousand dollars for giving a hundred, a hundred thousand dollars or more for giving a thousand. This rate of return sounds impossible to most folks. Does it sound impossible to you? Well, it didn’t seem the least bit impossible to Jesus.

Powerful Principles of Increase

Each morning, read one of the lessons in this book. If you can, read the lesson once or twice again. Meditate on it through the course of your day. Speak each concept out loud as often as you can. Don’t go to bed at night without once again reading that same lesson. If you will dedicate yourself to this task, the Word of God will begin to live in you.

Financial Breakthrough

“But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee [that means you] power to get wealth ….” Deuteronomy 8:18. You see, financing the end-time harvest is up to us as born-again Christians. The only way to smash and destroy the wall of containment around your finances is through a violent, highly energetic act on your part.

Birds, Roots, Weeds, and the Good Ground

Given the proper environment, as opposed to a hostile environment, one plant will thrive while another will wither. The Parable of the Sower—the story that Jesus told in the fourth chapter of the Gospel of Mark, is an illustration of the effect spiritual environment has on a “good seed’s” growth and fruitfulness.

Things That Are Better Than Money

The Bible is, without a doubt, the most complete book in existence, and deals primarily with practical things. The reason it has much to say about money is that financial matters are practical matters, though nowhere does Scripture ever say that money is the most important thing. 

Rich God, Poor God

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Meanwhile, please feel free to download the PDF file of the book and read via PDF. Thank you!

It's Not Working, Brother John

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Always Abounding

Coming soon to Online Reading! Meanwhile, please feel free to download the PDF file of the book and read via PDF. Thank you! 

Financial Excellence

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Meanwhile, please feel free to download the PDF file of the book and read via PDF. Thank you!

The Victory

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Meanwhile, please feel free to download the PDF file of the book and read via PDF. Thank you!